Dialog for This Comic
Karasu: Hey there! We know you folks probably haven't been reading the blog at the bottom of the page, because Leanne is usually lousy about updating it.
Well, she started updating it again, and is updating pretty regularly. You should check it out.
She's making an ashcan to sell at AnimeExpo, starring me and that pumpkinhead down there.
This art is actually part of the ashcan, though it'll be in black and white.
Jack: She's been busy on Twitter and Facebook too. You can find her on Twitter as @leanne_opaskar and on Facebook as http://www.facebook.com/leanne.opaskar.
Karasu: And like I was saying, she'll be at Anime Expo July 1-4, with cool stuff to sell.
Jack: She'll also be at CONjecture, September 9-11.
Keep an eye on the blog - we'll keep you posted about the cons, the ashcan, and future projects. There's a lot in the works that you won't want to miss.